In-Person service

In-Person Sunday Service

Joint (English/Chinese) Service 10:30 a.m.

English Service (last Sunday of the month) 9:00 a.m.

Welcome back to our church! Let's worship God with a grateful heart.

Please review the service guidelines with a prayerful heart.

In-person service guidelines

Before You Come...

Should I Attend?

If you have symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficult breathing, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, sudden loss of smell or taste, not feeling well, nauseated, vomiting or diarrhea), travelled internationally in the last 14 days, or have close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, please join our online worship.

Before You Leave Home...


  • Conduct a self-assessment. If you have the above symptoms of COVID-19, travelled internationally in the last 14 days, or close contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19, please stay home and join our worship online.

  • Bring your face covering. Anyone who attends worship will be required to wear it. Our church will provide you with a mask if you forget to bring one.

When You Get Here...

Please put on face-covering before exiting your vehicle and proceed to the Main Entrance. The use of a single entrance allows us to check in all those who enter the building. Our Welcome Team will provide you with hand sanitizer. If you have skin sensitivities, please bring your sanitizing product.

At the Building...

Corporate Worship

  • We use individual communion set during Holy Communion.


  • Online giving is the best method to support the church financially.

  • You may use the offering box in the sanctuary.

Personal Hygiene and Sanitizing Practices

  • We will sanitize the washrooms and all common areas. There will be hand sanitization stations across our building so that you can sanitize your hands regularly.

  • Please avoid handshakes, hugs, touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if someone takes off their face-coverings or isn’t following social distancing protocols?

  • Kindly ask them to put their face covering back on or maintain a proper distance.

Are you sure I’ll be safe?

  • We can’t guarantee that you’ll be safe. We can only ensure that we have done our due diligence to keep you safe. Additionally, we will continue to provide online worship services for those who are not yet comfortable gathering in person.

What if we find out that someone who attended a service has contracted COVID-19?

  • We will be transparent. For privacy reasons, we would not disclose the individual(s), but we will inform you that someone has tested positive. The information collected during the registration will allow us to contact every person or family who attended the service.